150001, Yaroslavl, st. 69 Naumova, office 11
Hotline (free in Russia): 8 800 302 1747
Phone / Fax: (4852), 42-94-11; Phone: 95-90-35
Mobile phone: 8-903-827-8888, 8-905-130-5959
E-mail: duet-gidravlika@yandex.ru
150000, Yaroslavl, st. Magistralnaya, building 20
433910, r.p. Radishchevo, Ulyanovsk Region, ul. Zavodskaya, house 6
>Hotline (free in Russia): 8 800 302 1747
Mobile phone: 8-927-630-63-69
432071, Ulyanovsk, st. Uritsky, house 104
City phone: 8 (8422) 46-31-55
Mobile phone: +7 951 095 03 95
E-mail: gidravlika-73@yandex.ru
ИНН 7604059715/760401001
Р/с 40702810116250003059 в филиале Банка ВТБ (ПАО) в г. Воронеже
БИК 042007835
к/с 30101810100000000835
We deliver goods throughout Russia, to the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In Russia, the delivery of control valves and electromagnets is carried out by any trucking company that is convenient for you.